Smart Recycling, leading the way on renewable energy in Dandenong.

Smart Recycling, leading the way on renewable energy in Dandenong.

22 September, 2017

Smart Recycling is spearheading an initiative that encourages Dandenong businesses to invest in energy efficient and renewable energy projects.

On Friday September 14th 2017, Smart Recycling became the first business in the City of Greater Dandenong to sign an Environmental Upgrade Agreement (EUA) – a scheme offered by the Sustainable Melbourne Fund that enables both tenants and property owners to take up 100% finance for environmental building upgrades that can be paid back through council rates. Cr Mathew Kirwan and CEO of City of Greater Dandenong Council, John Bennie officiated the proceedings.

Ward Petherbridge, Managing Director, Smart Recycling said, ‘A long-held dream to power my site using renewable energy has finally been realised. The attractive payment terms and interest rates offered through the EUA will allow me to install a 100KW solar system providing for all our current energy requirements’

“The Dandenong South industrial area is a huge opportunity for renewable energy with thousands of roofs of warehouses and factories that could generate energy via solar panels. It is great that only 2 months after Greater Dandenong Council agreeing to work with the Sustainable Melbourne Fund to offer Environmental Upgrade Agreements in Greater Dandenong that we already have the first business interested and it is fitting that Ward Petherbridge, already a leading sustainable business in Greater Dandenong is the first business to take it up”. said Cr Mathew Kirwan,

Plans are currently underway to build an Advanced Waste Sortation Facility on the site next year. The facility will semi-automate the sortation of residential and commercial building waste doubling the sites recycling capacity and creating approximately 30 new green jobs. ‘The solar power will help offset the increased power requirements created through this project and provide potential long-term financial benefits through ameliorating the risk of rising energy prices’ said Petherbridge.

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As innovative leaders in Melbourne's pallet manufacturing, waste recycling, and labour hire sectors, Smart Resources Group delivers custom solutions tailored to your needs.